Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Happened In Vegas: "What Happened In Vegas"

Currently Listening To: [What Happened In Vegas: In A Sense, You're Innocent]

Hometown: Warren, MI
Members: 4 Piece
(Aaron Steve 
Ron Nick)
Genre: Rock / Pop

For Fans Of: Hit The Lights, Versa Emerge, Between Home And Serenity

Two weeks ago I was in Farmington Hills, Mi and me and my girlfriend headed over to the Twelve Oaks mall.  In this day in age one of the only stores that I like to go to in any mall is Hot Topic.  Aside from some of the ridiculous, cliche, and over-the-top merch they carry, their music has always been reasonably priced and even cheap.  While I was looking in the clearance section I found two CD's A Smile From The Trenches and What Happened In Vegas.  Both of the CD's together cost $5.26, to say the least I was thrilled.  Since I've returned home from my trip What Happened In Vegas's Self Titled CD has been the only thing I've been listening too.  I have seen them once at the Hayloft in Mt. Clemens, and I'm sad to say that I had no idea who they were at the time.  If I had to compare this band to anyone I would say Arms Of Orion, a local band from Philadelphia. The music on this album is kept basic and isn't overbearing.  There are many bands that get caught up in trying to pummel their listeners with everything and anything they could throw at them.  But it's just that that makes this album so enjoyable, it simple, straightforward, and catchy.  One disappointment that I had with the album was the use of auto tune, which I find completely unnecessary.  Their songs vocally don't need any help or boost, if anything the vocoder detracts.  One key element that most of their songs have are slight breaks in the instrumentation where lyrics are spoken or sung emphasizing their weight.  Shortly, thereafter the songs pick up with some sort of boosted energy that will get you smiling.  One cannot get along by just listening to one genre and if you are at all interested in the Post Hardcore genre this band has something to offer your eardrums.